
Goodbye October, we never knew you.

Indians fans dont care. they are a pathetic and almost nihilistic group of people who seem to treat baseball like a distraction rather than a game that does and should matter. Im not saying that fans should show up and create an atmosphere that makes people, especially fans wearing the jersey of the opposition, fear for their lives but when you start getting out numbered 80/20 in your own stadium (red sox series every year), something is terribly, terribly wrong.

I want visitors to take our fanbase seriously and be made to think "wow, these are some serious fans". a poll was put out earlier this year about what team had the most obnoxious fans..red sox, yankees, cubs, and phillies topped the first 4 spots. it didnt say it, but usually when someone says that another fanbase has really obnoxious fans...its a way to discredit just how fanatical and loyal they are. indians fans were dead last on that list.

Cleveland was once considered one of the best baseball towns in america..the sellout record is evidence to that, but the only reason that even happened was because we didnt have a football team and this city needed an identity. Indians fans are not knowledgeable at all. the "make some noise" animations when the fans should take it upon themselves to get into the game and get behind the team is ridiculous. talking to other people about kids we have in the minors and being asked "who?" just proves that even more. no chants of "lets go tribe" or "lets go indians" are ever heard.

going to a game anymore is downright embarrassing, with all the stupid fan clubs and having a game sell out only if theres some kind of promotion, jacobs field is nothing but a circus. Heritage park was a nice touch, too bad it still doesnt put fans in the seats. Our marketing department seemed to be dead set on getting rid of any remnants from the 90's era, no more traditional and simple uniforms but instead its now jerseys with a very feminine silver trim. sorry omar, we have a bum named Jhonny who gave us a reason to finally get rid of you.

The dolans have ruined baseball in cleveland. they care more about having a "family atmosphere" then they do having fans show up because they love their team. getting thrown out of a game because you start chanting that a team or player sucks is almost laughable. (yes, its happened to me several times) Its never about winning this year with them, its always continuing to build for the future. Johan Santana was talking about his own team this way, only he should have mentioned cleveland as well. nixon, delucci, werent needed. throw guys like gutierrez, francisco, A. Cabrera and choo to the wolves and let these kids learn. but instead they like to shop the bottom feeding has beens of free agency because of past numbers. Armchair GM or not, more than half of us on this board could make better player and financial decisions than those two rejects in the front office.

I wish I was one of those people who could jump from team to team because I would have jumped ship along time ago rather than continue to support this front office and the bunch of losers who fill our roster.

Cleveland indians baseball is like the bad news bears, only we never stop drinking in the end. until Cleveland fans start taking baseball seriously and start making serious threats and taking ACTION towards the front office about spending money and BUILDING a winner, there will remain 30,000 empty seats..even with a first place team.