
7-0 lead, indians lose.

7-0... SEVEN to NOTHING and we BLEW IT?!!??!

I cant even find the words anymore to rip this team apart. this game just says it all.

Two rookies pitch shutout innings but betancourt and wickman looked LOST. I mean, absolutely LOST. wickman should have never been resigned, I dont care if we didnt get the closer we wanted.

19 games out on july 1st. mathematically eliminated on July 1st. How does wedge still have a job? shapiro, peralta?! The wimpians were not designed to win, PERIOD.

Forbes magazine rated cleveland as the most profittable team in baseball but our fucking owner tells us "we dont have the money to get these players?" WHAT?

unbelievable...unbelieveable... they dont deserve to win another game. not a single one and I seriously hope they dont. what, as long as we're not in last place its a success?

oh yea before I forget, Eduardo Perez was traded to seattle for another one of cheapiros supposed "cant miss prospects" named cabrera. dont worry, he'll never be called up and when he does he wont be given a single chance.

Ladies and gentlemen, Your 2006 Cleveland Indians. I need a drink.